

Earth Time-Zone

A Study into The Temporary and The Eternal

By Reydon Stanford

Genesis 1: 26-31 In this passage of scripture, we see that God’s plan…begun in the ‘Age of Eternity,’ was for mankind to rule over the Earth…be fruitful and multiply…and to fill the Earth.  This was God’s original plan for mankind, who was created to live forever, and at that time, was eternal.  However,…In Genesis 2:15-17, God sternly warns Adam and Eve that if they eat of the ‘Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil,’ in that day…the eternal age will be interrupted by death…thus creating ‘Earth Time Zone,’ which includes a life of destruction, sin and death…not only to mankind but to all of the creation he was placed over to rule.

In Genesis 3, we see that Adam and Eve did in fact, eat of the fruit bringing the curse of ‘Sin and Death,’ upon not only themselves…but all of creation on planet Earth.  They were then forced out of the Garden of Eden (in the Eternal Time Zone), and forced to struggle upon a dying Earth with dying bodies, creating the age of Earth Time Zone. Because of this transgression…a curse was brought upon the Earth and all mankind.  They would live temporarily with a sinful nature, (selfish, evil and destructive), and would be subjected to suffering as a result.  HOWEVER,…and thankfully, God instituted a plan of salvation for the Earth and for mankind…in order to return the Earth and Mankind back into Eternity after a period of time.

In Romans 8:18-39, Paul beautifully explains this ‘Plan of Redemption,’ that comes to us through Christ as a free gift of God.  He also explains that our passage through Earth Time Zone is more of a ‘birthing’ process, now that Christ has (by Himself), paid the price of the curse of sin and death “once for all” mankind.  In other words, we are no longer ‘punished’ or ‘suffering a curse,’ due to Adam and Eve, because Jesus Christ ‘redeemed us from the curse.’  Galatians 3:13 says: “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us…for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.'”  So mankind entered into the curse by eating from a tree and Jesus redeemed us from the curse by dying upon a tree.
QUICK REVIEW: Eternity was interrupted by Adam and Eve’s sin, bringing them into an age of Sin and Death…what we call Earth Time Zone Every subsequent child of Adam and Eve passes through Earth Time Zone as a birthing process back into Eternity. Our suffering is temporary and part of the birthing process into eternity and IS NOT payment for sin.  Jesus paid for all sin by His own death upon the Cross.
Romans 8:19-22 “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.  For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.” In this passage of scripture we see that all of the Earth was subjected to the curse of sin and death when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit.  Trees, animals…every living thing began to die…subject to Earth Time Zone…the temporary time zone of suffering.  But…all creation is also ‘eagerly’ awaiting the redemption of planet Earth. Now…presently…those of us here on planet Earth are obviously still subjected to Earth Time Zone, with suffering and the death of the body. 
In Genesis 6:5-7 we see that mankind had grown so evil that God decided to destroy him altogether.  Only Noah garnered the grace to save the human race.  Since the flood, there have been wars, division, bloodshed and death upon epic scales.  Mankind…through mostly evil means, has taken over rule of the Earth, dividing it into nations and kingdoms and keeping it away from the poor and needful.  This is the Earth we live on today.  No wonder there is so much suffering and death.  However,…God has a plan to reclaim the Earth and bring an end to Earth Time Zone…sin and death.
In the meantime, all believers pass through planet Earth with its struggles and hardships such as sin, sickness, etc.  However, at a certain point, we leave this earthly body and are taken to Heaven to be with The Lord (Who is preparing New Jerusalem), for the future Eternal Kingdom of God that is soon to return to Earth forever. Once we leave our Earthly body, we dwell in a Celestial Body until the time of the Resurrection, when our spirits will be once again reunited with our physical body.  The only…AND BIG DIFFERENCE…is that at that moment, our corrupt bodies will be changed into incorruptible bodies forever.  I Corinthians 15:50-58 explains this transition very well.  Please read it!!  Study it. 
One of the most frightening books with the Bible is the final one…Revelation of Jesus Christ.  This is largely because it is filled with destruction, death, evil days, etc.  However, we must view it accurately to understand what it represents.  Remember…till now, the Earth has been ‘robbed’ by evil men.  Men who set themselves up as kings and rulers over God’s creation.  The entire book of Revelation represents basically one major theme…that Christ is coming back to reclaim the Earth for Himself and His people, and destroy all evil, once and for all…returning the Earth back to its original state (as in the Garden of Eden), and back to His original plan for mankind to multiply and fill the Earth with God’s people.